hi -- I don't know if anything has "worked".... but I haven't stopped trying to find what does? My friend and glorious poet Nicole Callihan talked about how she writes a daily poem that feels like her type of journaling. She said journaling has always felt "a little boring" and these daily poems are like records of the textures of her life. I think I'm going to see what morning pages as a "daily poem" feels like now.

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Hello, found your Substack by chance -- and notice that I recognize much of my inner creative world in what you're sharing here. My struggle with the Truth is that I rarely find anyone who seems to be on the same 'vibration' level, or perhaps my writing sucks. It probably does.

A bit of my current creative process and thinking.

I don't know if the following makes sense but I think I saw "Thelma & Louise" at the perfect time in my life. I saw it as a young teen, and if we remove all the horrible things that these women do, and all the horrible things around the ending -- and just keep the freedom in that last shot -- that sensation imprinted itself on me. I am currently, as an adult, trying to capture that in a text. I'm trying to capture the sensation of 'what if I just keep going instead of turning onto that familiar road?' feeling that we humans sometimes have.

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